Food, increase potency

What could be better for a man from a good quality sex and able not only to give pleasure, but also the pride of the relaxing view of the beloved? Answer – nothing, no wealth can not be compared with that. therefore, if you have problems with potency, you need them as quickly as possible to get rid. In this article, we will focus on that, what foods increase male potency.

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What food increases the potency of men?

What foods are good for potency? This question bothers generation for many years. It has long been looking for products, which would combine one and another, and to strengthen and improve the potency. so, will not be long to wait, We start our top potency products.

To date, scientists have concluded, that in order to increase the potency you need to eat foods, which contain vitamins A, B and E. Consider, that raw chicken eggs - is the product, which is necessary to enhance male potency.

nuts, increase potency. Useful for potency substances contained in nuts. What are the nuts increase potency? To increase the potency eat

  • fistashki,
  • peanut,
  • walnuts.

The fruit of the walnut contains a lot of useful substances, such as vitamins B1 and B2. The lack of these vitamins affect the mental balance man - he becomes irritable and short-tempered.

Walnuts also contain zinc, which is an essential element for the normal functioning of the prostate gland, as well as the optimal content of testosterone in the blood. Recommend a day to eat about 10 nuts. If you use this product together with dried fruit and honey, will be even better. It's enough to grind nuts, Pour honey and eaten by 3 tablespoons three times a day.

In order to maintain male power high enough eat fruit, increase potency. What fruits increase the potency? it:

  • Garnet,
  • orange,
  • figs,
  • lemon.

Note the chocolate - it also contains nutrients.

Vegetables, increase potency. Among all vegetables, that positively affect the potency release all kinds of onions. Also, a large number of vitamin A found in carrots. Eating spinach, you will provide yourself with the necessary vitamins such as C and B.

In fairness, note, that folk remedies usually do not give rapid effect, restoring potency over time. therefore,  to achieve a rapid effect, pharmacological agents used. Can buy the drug strength of the Emperor online pharmacy ViagraMsk.  Also there you will find reviews of drugs and can get free expert advice. be healthy

note! Among some men there is an erroneous opinion, that alcohol increases the potency. scientists have proved, that in beer contain female hormones, are getting into the male body does not have a positive effect on the reproductive system. In addition, drinking alcohol, man "kills" the heart, liver and stomach.


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