Some information about mahogany

Mahogany - deciduous tree, belonging to the Chinaberry family. This plant has three types, which can be found in Mexico, as well as in Central and South America. Red tree grows in wet and dry tropical forests, from sea level to altitude 1400 m. Prefers the rich, well-drained soils and areas near rivers.grows in wet and dry tropical forests, from sea level to altitude 1400 m. Prefers the rich, well-drained soils and areas near rivers.

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Interesting Facts:

  • Redwood can reach 45-61 m in height and 1,8 m in diameter (trunk). The crown is large and wide.
  • Bark dark brown, fragrant with flaky surface.
  • Leaves are large feathery leaves, consisting of 3-6 pairs of leaves. They have an oval shape and pointed tips. The leaf can reach 51 cm in length.

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  • It can be deciduous or semi-evergreen. Covered with leaves almost all the time (as soon as the old leaves fall, new ones begin to grow).
  • Flowers are small and fragrant, white or yellow-green, located in loose clusters. Separate male and female flowers growing on the same tree (monoecious plant). The stamens of male flowers are fused and tubular.
  • Flowering lasts from April to June, attracting moths and small bees, responsible for pollinating flowers. The fruit is a large
  • pear-shaped box. It is gray or brown in color and filled with seeds (to 71). Fruits usually ripen from January to March.
  • The ripe capsule splits into five parts to release the seeds. Every seed has wings, facilitating wind spread. Seeds do not remain viable for a long time (germinate only in the first rainy season).
  • The fruit of the bigleaf mahogany is also known as the "sky fruit" due to the orientation of the capsules towards the sky.
  • The root system is strong, stabilizes the soil and prevents erosion.
  • Harvesting this plant, because its wood may be yellow, salmon, red, pink or brown. The color of mature wood is always reddish brown.
  • Wood is valued for its excellent texture and beautiful color. It is often used to make furniture, musical instruments, cabinets and interior decoration.
  • The commercially available tree is grown on plantations in Asia (mainly in India, Indonesia, Bangladesh and Fiji). Wild species are protected by law, and they can no longer be cut down.
  • Fruits can be used to improve blood circulation.
  • Slow-growing redwood, and in the wild it can live up to 350 years old.

Increased demand for this tree in previous centuries led to a sharp decline in its number in the wild.. The plant is listed as vulnerable, what does it mean, which may be endangered in the near future.

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