Male masturbation - the effect on health?

certainly, deliberate rejection of sexuality in favor of masturbation - it is not good. But at the same time in the absence of the intimate life of moderate masturbation is recommended.

Male masturbation as the effect on health

The use of male masturbation:

  • This is a great way to emotional discharge.
  • Guaranteed mood enhancement.
  • Hormones are released.
  • Goes the old sperm.
  • Is cleaning the ducts of the prostate - is extremely positive.

With regards to masturbation before sexual intercourse. Men are guided by a "tactic", because it really allows you to extend the length of an intimate act without any tablets.

Secondly, due to the moderate masturbation is happening support the tone of the pelvic floor muscles. it is also beneficial to the blood vessels of the penis, so sometimes, in case of prolonged absence of the partner, should use chat online 18 and unwind with the help of online sex. But, certainly, no doctor recommends you completely switch to and give up intimate life.

According to the doctors with regards to masturbation even today one is not. Some experts say, masturbation - is the elimination of stagnation in the ducts. Others are inclined to this view, that for men is important just full sex life.

With regards to immoderate masturbation, it is harmful without exception. Can lead to erectile dysfunction. psychologists say, that the constant masturbation can shatter the psyche, to change the attitude to the opposite sex in a negative direction.

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