Which pencil blue, brown, green eyes recommend? How to Use cosmetic pencils?

Thanks to cosmetic make-up can be done on all occasions. Sometimes the pencil you can make a full eye makeup. Pencil can also be a complement eye makeup base, or under the shade. 1459913054_6_vybiraem-teni-po-tsvetu-glaz

pencil is, first of all, to delineate the upper and lower eyelids. Different colors and types of pencils allow to execute a perfect and original make-up. What eyeliner better, what color to choose for a pencil blue eyes, and what color to green and how to use eyeliners – Answers to these and other questions can be found in our article.

Types of Eyeliner

To start, consider two kinds of pencils – soft and hard. What eyeliner – soft or hard – It should be used, It depends on the type of line, to be executed. Soft can make a breakthrough on the upper eyelid, as well as to perform a so-called waterline eyes. Soft pencil can be used as a base for shadows.

Light pencil lines can make the eyes is thinner and sharper . Solid stick is not suitable for application on a waterline eyes.

What to use instead of eyeliner

Discussing the types of pencils should also mention liner – but they differ in the way the application of cosmetic products in general, appearance, consistency, etc.. d. What's better – eyeliner or eye pencil, maybe ultraviolet eyeliner? Each of the products works a little different principle. Eyeliner may take the form of a gel or a fluid with a special brush. Eyeliner on user feedback is more resistant and gives a brighter path than a pencil.

Ultraviolet pencil is also found in several types – may take the form of a cream or floating pencil. Pencil need time to erode through, although there is a retractable pencils, handy tip. Ultraviolet pencil works on the same principle, as a simple pencil. A eyeliner is a little different from these two accessories. When it comes to ease of use, the eyeliner is best for beginners. You should choose a soft pencil to draw a curve.

What eyeliner you advise? color pencils .

As for color pencils, it is most often used pencil black. It is most universalsalen. Black pencil can make a breakthrough, which is suitable for any make-up. Responding to a question, interested in black eyeliner, You can specify virtually any type of beauty. For blondes with fair skin should be careful with its use. The black color can be replaced, such as brown – but, you need to use it in moderation, and use a black pencil, to make a dash, which is then skombenirovat with a different color, eg, purple or brown.

  • Which pencil blue eyes ? Most often, the eye color is recommended pencils in shades of gray and warm brown tones. You can also experiment with purple.
  • What eyeliner beer? Brown eyes will look good on the background of dark bars, best in black, and brown. Eye color will emphasize, also, purple.
  • Which pencil green eyes? To emphasize green eyes, should take chocolate or pencils “graffiti”. It is also well suited plum and purple.
  • What color pencils gray eyes? look good gray eyes will be on the black background, graphite and dark brown.
  • Which pencil color for brown eyes ? As is the case with brown eyes, worth taking the black, bronze, graphite or violet.
  • What eyeliner blondes? Blonde pencil choosing color for the eyes can choose almost any color. Yes, really, no hair color, or the color of the iris is not determined by the color cosmetics – just a suggestion, which can help to accent the color and depth. Blondes recommended brown eyeliners, which will be in harmony with their bright hair color. Of course, you can choose other colors, and black – they can gloss over , to dash it did not look too clearly.

How to use eyeliners?

People, who still do not use a pencil thinking often, interested in eyeliner. The answer is simple – to each. You only need to choose the right color, to match the rest of your makeup, and also know a few tricks, which will help in easy and accurate application of the cosmetic product. Before the start of eye makeup on the eyelid is necessary to apply a primer or base under the shade. Then apply a flesh color eye shadow, to even out skin tone. Applying eyeliner can slightly pull the eyelid. Eyeliner should go directly above the eyelashes line. With crayons, you can quickly and easily make a smoky makeup . Eyeliner can also draw a so-called water line, ie an eyelid over the lower lashes. It is not recommended to use a black pencil, так как такая процедура уменьшает глаза, затемняет их неестественным образом и искажает их форму. Очень хороший способ для оптического увеличения глаз использование белого карандаша для глаз на ватерлинии. Рисуя эту линию следует иметь в виду, что нельзя использовать для этого твердый и острый карандаши, только мягкой или структоризатор. Можно ли карандашом для глаз красить брови? Can, как мягким, так и твердым.

В поисках подходящего для себя карандаша , многие задаются вопросом, какой карандаш для глаз не размазывается? Если карандаш после нанесения будет дополнительно покрыт тенью для век, то вы можете быть уверены, что он не размажется в течение длительного времени. Хорошие и рекомендуемые, карандаши для глаз Golden Roseони доступны в нескольких цветах и видах. Популярностью среди пользователей пользуются также всемирно известные карандаши для глаз Bourjois. Из популярных производителей можно еще заметить карандаши Rimmel и Макс Фактор.

Whether pencil affects the eyes ?

Все продукты выпущенные на рынок, протестированы дерматологами, and therefore, безопасны для здоровья. Лица со склонностью к аллергии должны считаться с тем, что после использования некоторых косметических средств на их теле могут появиться симптомы аллергии. Какие карандаши для глаз и для аллергиков можно купить, чтобы избежать таких ситуаций? Аллергики могут купить карандаши для глаз без консервантов, которые должны продлить срок службы косметики.

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