What are the infant formula Nestozhen

infant formula Nestozhen

Many parents are interested in buying «NESTOGEN» baby products. Перед покупкой смеси Нестожен родителям стоит знать, that there are several types of it.

  1. With prebiotics and laktobakteriâmi. There is a pretty standard formula for newborns. Before buying you need to make a mixture, that the child is not allergic to cow's milk protein. Today one can find the basic mixture in drugstores for children of different ages.
  2. Кисломолочный 1. Такая смесь положительно сказывается на пищеварении малышей. Perfect for restoring intestinal microflora and normalization of stool. As part of the products are live lactic acid bacteria.
  3. comfort Plus 1. If your child is facing with constipation, regurgitation, worth thinking about buying such a mixture. The minimum production of lactose. As part of the present prebiotics and bifidobacteria. Therefore, a mixture of extremely favorable effect on the intestinal microflora.
  4. AND, finally, it is worth noting low-lactose 1. In this product the minimum lactose. This is a great buy for baby, who has a lactase deficiency. Also, parents are advised to buy mix, if the baby suffered diarrhea. Feed the baby with a mixture can be from birth, which allows the manufacturer.


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