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Breast reduction in men

Recently, more and more men are turning to plastic surgeons for breast reduction. Why did this trend arise and what is the problem with?? And is it reasonable to solve it in such a radical way, or is a more conservative treatment possible?? These questions concern any man., faced with this unpleasant situation.

Breast augmentation in men, or gynecomastia, – это явление, which is quite common. It's just that many men are not so pronounced., so that it is obvious to others. However, there are such, less fortunate. Greatly enlarged breasts attract attention anyway on the beach or in the locker room, but it also happens, which is clearly visible through clothing.

Naturally, this gives a man a lot of inconvenience and aesthetic experiences. After all, if to the beer belly, long nose, crooked legs or bald head, we have long been accustomed to, and they do not in any way reduce female sympathy for the strong half of humanity, then a man's enlarged breasts deprives him of a significant part of his masculinity and adds femininity. And it cannot but grieve. It is especially hard for teenagers in such a situation.. Юношеский максимализм плюс подростковые комплексы заставляют их совершать необдуманные поступки – от постоянного хождения в просторной одежде и всяческого скрывания своего недостатка до тугого бинтования груди, which in the end can only aggravate the problem.

Why does gynecomastia occur and how to deal with it?

For starters, it can be true and false. Ложное увеличение груди – это попросту ожирение. Тут способ лечения прост – меньше есть, move more and lose weight. but, despite the simplicity, he is the most difficult. In addition, in advanced cases, it is impossible to remove a large fat mass with one diet and physical activity.. And if you manage to lose weight, then there will be a problem with excess skin. В данном случае идеальным выходом из ситуации является пластическая операция – липосакция. It is easily implemented, practically and reliably solves the problem of breast reduction. And the further development of events depends exclusively on the patient and his lifestyle..

Истинная гинекомастия – это когда в области груди действительно обнаруживаются ткани молочных желез, that is, the breast itself increases. Этот процесс может быть физиологическим – в подростковом периоде – и связан с временным дисбалансом гормонов. In this situation, it makes sense to wait a while., since the process usually self-destructs. However, in severe and advanced cases, you still cannot do without the help of a surgeon..

А бывает гинекомастия патологическая – связана с повышением уровня эстрогенов либо изменением тестостерона. Бывает она при наличии опухоли гипофиза – пролактиномы, when, due to the increased secretion of prolactin, glandular tissue grows. Бывает увеличение груди при воздействии определенных лекарственных препаратов и стероидных гормонов – за счет возникающего гормонального дисбаланса. And there is also the most unpleasant case, when the breast is enlarged due to the growth of a benign or malignant tumor.

However, whatever the reason, she needs to be treated. And if the hormonal background can be restored with the help of drugs, то вернуть грудь в первоначальное состояние с помощью таблеток практически невозможно. В таком случае мужчины опять прибегают к помощи пластической операции. Its essence is somewhat different from liposuction., however, the breast also shrinks and returns to its original state. Naturally, in such cases, the operation can be performed only after consultation with the surgeon, mammologist or oncologist and appropriate examination. And compulsory treatment of the underlying disease.

When these conditions are met, the plastic surgery performed allows a man to feel like a man again. Do not hesitate to undress in front of your wife, and even more so on the beach, free to go to the pool, wear tight undershirts and not blush in lingerie stores. Doing sports is not up to exhaustion, to hide the chest under a layer of muscles, and your pleasure, to swim, бегать и навсегда забыть об этом своеобразном символе женственности – большой груди.

Breast reduction for men is currently possible and affordable for all men, главное – не зацикливаться на своей проблеме и не замыкаться в себе, and consult a doctor in time for professional help.

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