Modern and effective treatment of cervical erosion in the clinic "Lega Med"

treatment of cervical erosion

Treatment of cervical erosion in the "Lega Honey" begins after, as the patient will examine gynecologist. Experience and qualification of clinic specialists allows them time to diagnose disease (because erosion is as "true", and "false"), assign the correct treatment as well as to provide additional, if necessary services gynecology.

Treatment involves a set of procedures, each of which is selected depending on the cause of the disease. Modern medicine performs the following methods erosion treatment:

  • Chemical coagulation - sparing treatment erosion, located at the initial stage, with drugs;
  • cryodestruction - treatment of lesions using liquid nitrogen;
  • lazerokoagulyatsii - elimination of the disease under the influence of non-intensive laser beam;
  • diatermokonizatsii - with a large area of ​​the affected tissues is applied to them an electric current, Then, the modified portions are removed.

Read more about the features of the treatment using these techniques can be found in consultation with a gynecologist clinic "Lega Honey" at any time convenient for you. You can make an appointment, simply by calling +7 (495) 133-27-90.

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