The main speech therapy problems in preschoolers

It - one of the main means of communication and of its development depends entirely on, as a child would feel in society, what he will have success in preschool, how high is self-esteem and a desire to communicate with their peers.

logopedic problems in preschoolers

How many words should speak child?

Normally, the child utters a half years the basic words you need to communicate with your family. Such words may be from 10 and to 200, mostly monosyllabic – mother, grandmother, dad, on, Give or two syllables - porridge, Wander, etc.. TO 2-2,5 years of the child's speech is becoming more intense, there are new words, and even phrases, which gradually pass into phrases. Good, when a child is emotionally paints his speech, He speaks with an interrogative or assertive tone. TO 3-4 years the child can retell the fascinating history, and its vocabulary has 2000 and more words.

these indicators, Unfortunately, can not boast all the kid because, due to psychological factors, physical features in children often have speech therapy problems, hindering them in their studies and communication.

Speech therapy problems

Among the most encountered problems in preschool children speech therapy are the following groups:

violation zvukoproiznosheniya

These children in the period of its development and formation is often accompanied by violation zvukoproiznosheniya, especially with respect to the whistling, sibilance, as well as "p" and "l". The replacement of hard-to-speech apparatus undeveloped sounds into simpler permissible aged 4-5 years and corrective exercises, aimed at the development of articulation - various clatter, inflations Steck, and other exercises for the development of the speech apparatus. Also, it does not sound rehearsed Posted to secure it in a speech. To start a sound pronounced with the child alone, then combined with other sounds and only then introduced into it.

It is also possible mispronunciation of- underdevelopment of phonemic hearing. The child hears the words correctly and delivers them as. For the development of phonemic hearing conducted the following types of exercises – child to sit facing the wall, a teacher invites him to recognize different sounds, street noise, pouring water, paper rustling. Parents in communicating with the child need to clearly pronounce words, not swallowing their completion.

General underdevelopment of speech

The child often confuses word endings, can not bind them to offer, prepositions and confusing times. This problem is common in children with educational neglect. Child, who had not engaged, not talking, asking, doslushivali not answer before the end of, can not properly build proposals, since it does not practice in this. Another cause may be a violation of cerebral activity as a result of birth trauma or oxygen deprivation. So hard for children to come to school, because all the problems go into speech therapy grammar, permutation endings sometimes is called agrammatism and is often found in children with speech underdevelopment.

To solve this problem, a child needs to communicate more, to have a dialog, anwser the questions. Unfortunately, the, that the three-year kid catches on the fly, 6-7 summer will not be given without effort.

Delayed development of speech

Absence of speech to three years with an overall favorable picture of the child's development is a pathology called alalia. The reason for this delay may be the disruption of voice areas of the brain as a result of birth injury, closed head injuries, wrapped pupovinoy, meningitis. speech added to the absence of symptoms such as a, narushennaya coordination, lack of attention, absence rate. For the treatment of all types of alalia, whether it is a motor, sensory or mixed, use microcurrent reflexotherapy, sessions with speech therapist, medication.


Stuttering problem usually occurs in children between the ages of 2 to 5 years old, when the speech device is not developed until the late, and the nervous system is weak, impressionable child. Stuttering manifests itself as a violation of the rate of speech, stop in the middle or end of a word, repetition of syllables. The causes can be physical - the disease, convulsions, and psychological - fear, shock. Usually, baby first stops, silent period can last from hours to days, and then say, but with defects in pronunciation. Heal the child from stuttering can not be completely, sooner or later, at the time of special excitement pronunciation defect manifests itself, but all, It can also help when practicing with a speech therapist, psychologist.

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