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MRI in Moscow without waiting

Magnetic resonance imaging should not be associated only with the queue in a few months. You do not need to wait. В специализированном диагностическом центре “МедСевен” , Located in Moscow at street 1905 of the year, d.7 structure 1 , the test can be carried out immediately and without excessive expectations. Appointments can be here.

Точная и быстрая диагностика – основа правильного лечения, on which human life depends. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRT) It is the most current and accurate non-invasive method of imaging the human body . it, undoubtedly, irreplaceable examination in the case of neurological and orthopedic problems .

The test is used to diagnose such problems, as:

Resonance is often recommended for people, who complain of pain in the back and have problems with the spine (hernia, post-traumatic changes, discopathy, degeneration).

В случае травм и посттравматических изменений именно результат МРТ – тест позволяет хирургам-ортопедам и хирургам выбирать форму лечения, type of surgery or rehabilitation. This applies to the entire musculoskeletal system. MRI examination allows us to estimate the degree of damage to the ligaments and tendons, meniskov and hryashtey, knee, ankle, thigh, shoulder, elbow, hands or legs . Resonance imaging indicates damage or injury, which often can not be seen on X-rays.

Magnetic resonance imaging is also used for the diagnosis of the abdomen and pelvis. Doctor prescribes a survey in the case of liver inflammation, kidney or suspected prostate cancer, cervical and endometrial, ovarian cysts or tumors and endometriosis., Because MRI can accurately test and evaluate cancerous changes, it is also used in the diagnosis of breast, as well as to monitor and control the effects of the treatment of this form of cancer.

Resonance testing does not require directions . This is a safe test without X-rays, so it can be carried out on children and pregnant women (but in the first trimester of pregnancy, it should be limited). It does not cause any adverse biological reactions to the patient and does not interfere with the pharmacological treatment. The only contraindication to the study are pacemaker, biostimulant and vascular clamps (eg, after surgery for aneurysm).

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