Need to:
- free time (about half an hour),
- towel or clean rag and place, where can you lie on your stomach.
Yes! И самое главное – каштан! Самый лучший – это только что упавший с дерева, but they don't fall every day, therefore they need to be prepared- you don't know when trouble may knock.
Means, i do so! I take out the core from the chestnut, I cut pencils out of it, to get in the nose. Then I lay down on my stomach, I put a towel under my chin, вставляю карандашики в ноздри и … Из носа выходит всё! When the sinuses are cleared, начинаются чихания – пора заканчивать процедуру.
That's the whole recipe. Breathes great! You can drip your nose with some medicinal drops for inflammation., but the cleaning is unsurpassed and, moreover, without any punches! be healthy!
Письма читателей! Victor. M