Лютеин это просторечное название прогестерона – полового гормона, which needs to happen fertilization and preservation of pregnancy. What is the function of lutein? What are the consequences of its deficiency for pregnant women? What are the symptoms of deficiency of lutein?
lutein, ie progesterone, This hormone, produced in the ovary and the placenta during pregnancy. For its production is also in the adrenal cortex and central nervous system. In the first phase of the cycle the concentration of lutein is very low. В это время увеличивается уровень эстрогена – гормона, which prepares the lining of the uterus and ovulation in the ovaries. lutein concentration starts to rise before ovulation, а своего пика достигает на 20-22 день цикла. When, If fertilization has occurred, hormone production continues. If fertilization has not occurred, hormone acts only for a few days, then approximately 27 day of its concentration falls, and appears menstruation. In this connection, the main tasks should include lutein, in particular, regulation of the menstrual cycle.
why lutein (progesterone) so important for pregnant women?
lutein (progesterone) performs several very important functions during pregnancy:
- prepares the uterine mucosa for implantation, that is, to attach a fertilized egg (thanks to him, the membrane is more supplied with blood and is thicker, than usual);
- responsible for maintaining pregnancy until the formation of the placenta (near 3 months);
- suppresses uterine contractions, thereby preventing miscarriage or premature birth.
Worth knowing, that in the period 9 months of pregnancy, lutein levels increase by almost a hundred times. Just before birth, his level drops a little, that is a signal to the uterus for stronger contractions and the onset of labor.
Besides, lutein:
- involved in the production of hormones, fetal exchange substances;
- responsible for changes in the mammary glands, preparing them for the production of milk during lactation;
- stops ripening once yaitsekletki.
This hormone is also associated with the regulation of body temperature in the body. Thereby, measuring the temperature every morning, you can learn, whether there has been an ovulation.
Deficiency of lutein during pregnancy: effects. When should I take progesterone?
lutein (progesterone) responsible for maintaining pregnancy and its normal development. In case of deficiency, pregnancy can proceed correctly, but there is a risk of miscarriage. Therefore, if a woman in early pregnancy (to 12 – 13 of the week) appear spotting, abdominal pain or uterine cramps, a doctor may prescribe a pregnant woman taking a special form of progesterone, usually in the form of oral tablets or lozenges, которые нужно сосать под языком. Этот гормон используют также для профилактики преждевременных родов при первой беременности. Then apply mainly progesterone in vaginal form and injection.
When a doctor may prescribe lutein (progesterone) during pregnancy?
- When a woman in early pregnancy complains of abdominal pain and cramping in the uterus, а также при обнаружении кровотечения или кровянистых выделениях – это симптомы, which indicate, that there is a risk of miscarriage.
- If the previous birth ended in the pregnant woman prematurely, as well then, when a miscarriage occurred. Whereas progesterone is administered prophylactically about 16 week of pregnancy.
- When a pregnant woman is diagnosed cervical insufficiency, which increases the risk of premature birth. In this situation, lutein is usually prescribed with 23 week of pregnancy.
- If the later stages of pregnancy there is a threat of miscarriage (eg, with too early contractions).
IMPORTANT! doctors recommend caution in taking lutein during pregnancy, especially if the pregnant woman was diagnosed with liver problems or kidney. In such cases the drug can be used in the form of suppositories administered into the vagina. Thereby, hormone does not affect the activities of these two bodies.
Caution is also recommended when using progesterone in early pregnancy. Its excess can lead to the appearance of minor flaws child, related to the urinary tract.
Deficiency of lutein: symptoms
Deficiency of lutein may be diagnosed before pregnancy. The characteristic symptoms of too low concentration of this hormone is:
- irregular menstruation (It may sometimes appear very heavy bleeding);
- bloody menstrual flow;
- conception problems;
- abnormal increase in body temperature.
In turn, too high lutein concentration (progesterone), may cause swelling, since this hormone causes water retention in the body, or contribute to the appearance of varicose veins (causing blood flow slowing).
Smoking can lower the level of lutein
Smoking during pregnancy can interfere with the normal functioning of the body.. All hazardous substances in cigarette smoke, including cadmium, contribute to a significant reduction in the concentration of progesterone. And it creates a low level of risk of premature birth.
Progesterone: when to do the analysis?
Анализ прогестерона необходимо выполнить на 7 or 8 day after ovulation. This day can be recognized by an increase in temperature. Another method is to monitor the cycle of US, which allows you to accurately determine the moment of ovulation.
It should be noted, that the level of progesterone is not stable during the day, as it stands out unevenly(t. it is. its blood concentration changes throughout the day). Therefore, a blood test can give a false result.