Kalanchoe cirrus is a plant, which has a wider therapeutic use than aloe vera. Due to its high vitamin C content, а также множеству микро – и макроэлементов оказывает регенеративные свойства, anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating effects. Using leaves or sipping Kalanchoe juice, you can cure respiratory diseases, rheumatic pains, get rid of blackheads. After reading this article you will get acquainted with the healing properties of Kalanchoe pinnate.
Kalanchoe pinnate is a plant from the family Crassulaceae, originally from Madagascar. Currently growing, in particular, in Asia, Australia and Central America. In our country, it is grown as a houseplant., you can read about it here.
The healing properties of Kalanchoe
Kalanchoe pinnate is a storehouse of micro and macro elements, such as:
- manganese;
- copper;
- selenium;
- zinc;
- bor;
- aluminum;
- silicon;
- potassium;
- calcium;
- iron;
- and a lot of vitamin C.
This plant is having:
- antibacterial and antifungal effects: especially quickly destroys pyogenic(pyogenic) bacteria (staphylococci, streptococci);
- противовоспалительное воздействие – подавляет воспалительный процесс в результате уничтожения бактерий и разложения производимых ими токсинов. Reduces local hyperemia and edema.;
- ускоряет регенерацию – ускоряет заживление поврежденного эпидермиса, and also quickly cleanses the wound from pus and damaged tissue fragments. Also reduces the visibility of scars;
- иммуностимулирующее воздействие – повышает общую сопротивляемость организма и кожи к травмам.