Виниры для зубов – это очень хорошее решение для людей, which is plagued by dental problems and they care about the dazzling smile. Since the final effect depends on the material, from which they are produced veneers, worth knowing, what types available on the market, as well as when and how you can use. И наконец – чем этот тип протезирования отличается от зубных коронок.
For those who want a perfect smile
Виниры – это не что иное, the thin plate, attached to the outer side teeth. Заказывая установку виниров на http://www.krh-medical.ru/stomatologiya/ можно:
- change the color of teeth,
- adjust their shape;
- to determine a suitable length;
- reconstructing teeth in places, где имеются полости…
Thanks to china, It used to produce veneers, teeth retain their natural shine and color, and are indistinguishable from natural teeth. Besides, Porcelain is a biologically inert material, therefore, it does not cause allergies.
What is the procedure?
Veneers can be attached or after the grinding of the tooth, or without grinding.
The first method is, that must be carefully sanded facing layer of enamel, to make room for the veneer. grinding must be, when the aim is to reduce the installation size of the tooth, removing projecting alignment or rotated.
Without sanding method makes it possible not to damage the dental tissue, allowing the installation of veneers is reversible. Just before, how to make a picture, Dr. gently polishes teeth. This method is the application of veneers is a good solution, when the patient wants to eliminate the diastema (diastema), lengthen the teeth or change their color.
types of veneers
Multidisciplinary medical clinic in Lyubertsy krh-medical.ru offers different types of veneers:
- Composite veneers are created by combining several materials with different properties. One of them is often a binder (It gives strength, consistency and hardness of the composite), and the other provides resistance to mechanical damage. Such dental plates have a uniform color, which makes them a little artificial. Material, from which they are made, It tends to discolour, especially yellow.
- Акриловые виниры защищают зуб от повреждения – они временные. Этот тип виниров нестабилен – срок их службы до 2 years old. Acrylic veneers heavier and thicker than the other types of; they are also not very aesthetic, что сказывается на цене – очень доступная.
- Feldspar ceramics used for ceramic veneers, which gives the tooth a natural look. Porcelain veneers are more durable, than composite, and much more.
- Ceramic veneers have layers, похожие на натуральные зубы – глазурь и фарфоровый дентин. The basis for such a plate is an alumina porcelain or zirconium.
- Фарфоровые виниры – самый популярный вид виниров. They are flexible and very durable, have high mechanical strength. This is due to the mass of porcelain, which consists of: ceramic paste, acrylic mass and other composite materials. Фарфоровые виниры не подвергаются обесцвечиванию – они устойчивы к образованию зубного камня и других отложений. This type of veneers can be attached to all the teeth, but many patients decide to wear them only on those teeth, which can be seen in conversation or smile.