When should you see an osteopath??

Osteopath - specialist, restoring health through a systemic manual regulatory effect on the body. When should you see an osteopath?

It’s easy to make an appointment with an osteopathic doctor!

Osteopath Namiot Irina Vasilievna offers assistance in the fight against:

  • consequences of any injuries;
  • headaches, pain in the spine (for hernias, osteochondrosis) and muscles;
  • bronchial diseases, lungs, ENT organs (sinusitis, bronchitis);
  • diseases of the digestive tract (constipation, gastritis, etc.);
  • gynecological, etc.. pathology.

Osteopathy is suitable for eliminating many problems in pregnant women (swelling, pain in the pelvic area, life, lower back) and children (difficulty falling asleep, hyperactivity, frequent colds). Osteopath Irina Vasilievna sees adults and children from infancy onwards, more details on the page https://doknamiot.ru/services/detskaya-osteopatiya/detskaya-osteopatiya/. Seek osteopathic help by calling: +7 926 274 46 48.

Approaches to diagnosis and treatment in osteopathy

To identify the problem, the osteopathic doctor performs palpation (probing) in that area, where there is a problem. In some cases, hardware examination may be recommended:

  • radiography.
  • ultrasonography.
  • MRT.

After determining the area of ​​influence, the doctor chooses one of three main approaches, existing in osteopathic medicine:

  1. Musculoskeletal (for the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system).
  2. Craniosacral (for illnesses, caused by problems of the head skeleton and sacral region).
  3. Visceral (for working with internal organs).

The duration of osteopathic treatment is determined by the severity of the disorder, as well as the age of the patient and his response to the therapy. For some it's enough 2-3 procedures, others require up to 10. Average course duration – 5 sessions, carried out 1-2 once a week.

Some patients are advised to undergo spinal traction therapy (lumbosacral region), eg, on the American Chattanooga apparatus using the “dry” traction method. This method provides a gentle, slow traction, and helps relax cramped muscles, removal of functional blocks, pain relief.

Osteopathic treatment is effective. It helps get rid of existing problems and prevents the progression of the disease and the development of complications.. Besides, it's painless. Improve your health and the health of your children with pleasure!

note! The main diagnostic and therapeutic tool in osteopathy – doctor's hands, capable of capturing and eliminating the slightest tension in the human body. Therefore, even after the first session, patients often note an improvement in their well-being and a reduction in pain..


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