Encephalopathy should be understood as chronic or permanent damage to brain structures. Encephalopathy leads to the loss of basic human functions, such as movement and intellectual ability. Often they are also accompanied by neurological disorders of the central nervous system.. The causes of encephalopathy are very diverse..
encephalopathy – this is a very general term. This applies to various chronic or permanent brain damage. for example, resulting in encephalopathy occurs paralysis and loss of mental abilities. Encephalopathy may occur as a result of many diseases and injuries, including during pregnancy. Как лечить энцефалопатию можно узнать по ссылке.
Congenital encephalopathy divided into the following:
- perinatalnaja injury – by mechanical (pressure, skin damage) and physical pressure;
- fetal infection – encephalopathy may occur as a result of cytomegalovirus, rubella, toxoplasmosis, hepatitis B, herpes, varicella;
- intoxication during pregnancy – preeclampsia (intoxication) its causes are unknown. Its development can be affected by multiple pregnancy, first pregnancy and the age of the mother;
- hereditary diseases, e.g. Down's syndrome.
Development acquired encephalopathy may occur as a result of injuries:
- concussion;
- brain injuries;
- the formation of an epidural, subdural hematoma and intracranial;
- hypertension – энцефалопатия в этом случае связана с внезапным повышением артериального давления. Кровоток нарушается, resulting in brain edema, синякам и небольшому инфаркту головного мозга. Симптомы гипертонической энцефалопатии включают головную боль, vomiting, convulsions, blurred vision and consciousness;
- atherosclerosis – result damage small arterioles, расположенных в головном мозге на фоне атеросклероза. В результате повреждения происходят небольшие, but multiple cerebral infarctions;
- metabolism – encephalopathy in this form is the result of toxins, produced in the body. These toxins are produced when organ failure, which manifests itself in violation of the brain.
The group of metabolic encephalopathies are:
- hepatic encephalopathy;
- uremic encephalopathy;
- hyperglycemic encephalopathy;
- hypoglycemic encephalopathy.
Electroencephalography (electroencephalogram, EEG) – this study, the purpose of which is to evaluate the bioelectrical brain function, and therefore – the functional state of the central nervous system. EEG is useful in the diagnosis of many diseases of the nervous system, especially epilepsy. Also, thanks to the EEG can determine the type of coma and assess the state of health of patients with brain tumors.
Electroencephalography – indications for the procedure
Indications for the EEG are signs of impaired brain function (eg, convulsions), condition after head injury and after neurosurgical procedures.
Electroencephalography – how to prepare for the test?
Before the procedure should wash hair. (do not apply to them hair styling, eg, varnish, gel, balm, etc.. D.). In order to prevent a drop in blood sugar, it is desirable to eat a light meal before the test.
Important! During the day, prior EEG, should not take stimulating or inhibiting drugs (eg, a sedating agent) Central nervous system. Also not recommended to drink alcohol or caffeine drinks (coffee, strong tea, cola or other energy drinks).