The “Ten” diet is the first assistant in the fight against cardiovascular diseases

People die more often from cardiovascular disorders, than from other diseases. And that's all because, that we begin to “ring the bells” only then, when the problem has already declared itself. But today a predisposition to heart disease is easily detected through tests, UZI etc. And if you carry out constant preventative work, take care of your health, then the disease can be prevented. The basis of prevention should be diet for cardiovascular diseases.

alternative medicine in combination can slow down the development of this disease: diet for cardiovascular diseases

It should be remembered, that patients and people at risk should go on this diet voluntarily. No doctor will control, what do you eat and how often. Its task is to save your life at the stage of exacerbation of the disease, and everything else is in the hands of the person himself. And nutrition in this case is the catalyst, which will either accelerate the development of the disease, or, conversely, will freeze it for a long time.

Basic diet – table No. 10

Nutritionists have developed a whole group of diets, each of which is aimed at combating specific diseases. And in the canteens of medical institutions, dietary dishes are placed immediately with signs “Table No. 1, 2 etc.". Lunches for heart patients are number 10. This is the main diet, which is recommended to be followed for all cardiovascular diseases. Its main task is to reduce the load on the heart muscle and blood vessels..

Principles of nutrition

  1. Diet variety.
  2. Meals are frequent, without overeating, but in small portions.
  3. Almost complete elimination of salt (maximum – 5 grams per day).
  4. Reducing fluid intake (maximum – one and a half liters per day).
  5. Reducing the number of dishes, containing a large amount of coarse fibers.
  6. Limiting dishes, causing stimulation of the nervous system (alcohol, strong coffee, tea).
  7. Introducing a large number of foods into the diet, creating an alkaline environment (dairy, fresh carrots and cabbage, apples, lemony).

Diet «ten» – first assistant in the fight against cardiovascular diseases

Strong teas, coffee and alcohol cause overstimulation of the nervous system and have a bad effect on heart rate

Let's take a closer look at the rules. A varied menu is the key to this, that the body receives sufficiently all the microelements it needs, minerals, etc.. Naturally, Diet for heart disease excludes many dishes (we'll talk about them later), but this restriction should not affect the variability of food. It is recommended to eat at least twenty different foods per day.

Eating small portions will allow the stomach to work in a lighter mode and not stretch. Otherwise, the swollen walls displace the diaphragm, and it causes disturbances in the functioning of the heart.

Salt and liquid also put a lot of stress on the digestive system, cause swelling. Blood begins to circulate faster, and the heart has to pump it at an accelerated pace. As a result, blood pressure increases.

Some people think, that without salt, food loses its taste. But there is lemon juice, cranberry, greens... At worst, you can add a little salt to the finished dish. It takes much less salt, than when cooking food.

Diet «ten» – first assistant in the fight against cardiovascular diseases

Food, seasoned with lemon juice, acquires a rich taste and does not require the addition of salt

We eat foods with potassium and magnesium

Therapeutic diet is not only prohibitions. She can give pleasure, if you include foods in your diet, which your heart requires and is especially loved by you. So, potassium is needed to remove excess fluid and ensure stable heart function. And it is found in huge quantities in aromatic and incredibly tasty dried fruits - apricots, Courage, prunes... For those with a sweet tooth, this diet is especially pleasant, after all, you don’t have to say goodbye to desserts, but just adjust them towards healthy products. Some patients even create a schedule for taking sweets, so you can try the whole palette of fruits in a week, rich in potassium. Be sure to include bananas in your menu, grape, dates.

Diet «ten» – first assistant in the fight against cardiovascular diseases

When purchasing dried fruits, pay attention to those, which were dried without the use of sugar

Besides, Baked potatoes are rich in potassium, pumpkin, cabbage (especially broccoli), rosehip infusion, so these foods should be included in your daily diet.

Magnesium is the second mineral, necessary for our heart, like air. It dilates blood vessels and prevents their spasms. Therefore, the menu includes bran bread and some types of cereals (barley, pearl barley, buckwheat and oatmeal). Among vegetables, carrots and beets are especially rich in magnesium., as well as green salads. For dessert you can treat yourself to almonds, walnuts and currants.

Diet «ten» – first assistant in the fight against cardiovascular diseases

Of all varieties of currants, black currants contain the largest amount of magnesium.

Replacing bad fats with good ones

In case of heart disease, the main restriction concerns fatty foods and offal. They have too much cholesterol. And it is the cause of atherosclerotic plaques, which settle on the inner walls of arteries, interfering with normal blood circulation. But fats cannot be completely eliminated., because they contain substances, helping blood vessels maintain elasticity. Therefore, nutritionists have divided types of fat into “bad” and “good”. Naturally, the first group of heart patients will have to be completely removed from the diet, replacing with healthy fats.

Animal fat is considered the most harmful, therefore beef consumption, lamb, pork should be reduced to a minimum, and all processed products such as sausages, remove canned food and stewed meats from the diet altogether. Nothing, except harm, they will not bring vessels. Boiled, steamed or stewed meat is allowed in small quantities, but it must be thoroughly cleaned of fat. Bone soups or broths, in which meat was boiled, pre-cool and remove the entire fat layer from above.

Diet «ten» – first assistant in the fight against cardiovascular diseases

No matter how appetizing the sausages and confectionery look, your heart will not be delighted with them

A high concentration of fats is also observed in the skin of poultry., therefore, it is completely removed before cooking.

A lot of hidden fats are hidden in confectionery products (cakes, ice cream, creams, etc.), therefore they are replaced with no less tasty fruits.

Healthy fats include vegetable and fish. Don't limit yourself to olive oil, although they write about it as the most useful. Each type of vegetable oil contains a certain proportion of vitamins, so it's better to combine them. At the same time, unrefined oils are much healthier and richer, than purified options.

Fish oils should be taken in moderation, giving preference to sea creatures - herring, salmon, tuna etc.

Diet «ten» – first assistant in the fight against cardiovascular diseases

Salmon fish are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, necessary for our body

Features of the diet for specific heart diseases

Diet No. 10 is indicated for all heart problems, but besides this there are a number of dietary restrictions, associated with the course of a specific disease. Therefore, “Ten” is divided into 10a, 10b, 10in etc. We understand, what dietary restrictions are added for the most common cardiovascular diseases.

Heart failure. the main thing, what the diet for heart failure requires from the patient - a very small amount of liquid and salt. It is recommended no more than three glasses of water per day, including first courses. With this disease, all the salt obtained from food accumulates in the tissues., why does swelling develop. Therefore, patients are advised to completely eliminate salt from their diet.. In the acute stage, the patient is allowed to eat only ground or highly crushed food, distributing it to 7 daily servings. The total number of kilocalories should not exceed 2 thousand.

If heart failure has led to extensive swelling, then it is necessary to add fasting days to the diet, ie. eat only apples once a week (1,5 kg per day) or berries.

Atherosclerosis. For atherosclerosis, food is added to diet No. 10, rich in iodine (walnuts, seafood) and take at least daily 400 gram of fresh vegetables or fruits.

Dairy products are only allowed with low fat content (to 1%).

Arterial hypertension. Potassium-magnesium products are especially important for this disease.. They should make up the majority of the diet, because as pressure increases, the load on the vessels increases, and if they are not kept in shape, then you will have to “pay” with heart attacks or strokes.

Heart attack. If the heart attack is in the acute stage, the most strict diet is prescribed, consisting of liquid porridges, light vegetable soups and dairy products with zero fat content.

Diet «ten» – first assistant in the fight against cardiovascular diseases

The diet of heart patients should include dairy products with the lowest percentage of fat content

At the scarring stage, they switch to diet No. 10 with an emphasis on hypertensive patients.

For any heart disease, the diet should be preceded by a medical examination. Only the doctor determines the stage of development of the disease and, according to her, prescribes specific nutrition in combination with medications and vitamins. At home, even if the disease does not manifest itself in any way, You shouldn’t go beyond the diet menu. Heart disease is too serious, to joke with them, eating unhealthy foods!

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