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Human roundworm - developmental phases of roundworms

When the egg of an invasive larvae is swallowed, it leaves the membrane in the small intestine., penetrates into its wall and through the blood system enters through the blood circulation of the liver to the right side of the heart and from here to the blood circulation of the lungs. The larvae enter the alveoli. In the lungs, their second and third molt occurs. They then migrate through the bronchi to the trachea and esophagus.. Consequently, when swallowed, they re-enter the small intestine, where is the fourth time, they grow and mature.

Ascaris lives in the intestines. 1 of the year. Ascaris female can breed per day 200 000 eggs. During an illness, from individual units to hundreds of parasites can occur in the body..

see also: Human roundworm - symptoms and treatment. How to avoid human worm infection?

Allergic symptoms:

From the side of the nervous system, such symptoms may occur, as:

Also found, that affected children develop significantly weaker in terms of physical, and mental.

Human reaction to the presence of human roundworm depends on interpersonal sensitivity. Sometimes already one roundworm causes unpleasant and even serious symptoms in the form of persistent urticaria., nervous disorders, intestinal. Wandering larvae and adult nematodes can be caused during the course of the disease., located in the intestine.

A terrible complication can be a non-standard location of the parasite, influenced by certain foods, drugs and toxins, coming from microorganisms, as well as high temperature, adult roundworms leave their correct habitat, what is the large intestine, small intestine, pass through its walls and migrate into the bile ducts, pancreas, etc.. d., causing local inflammatory reactions. Migrating larvae can cause local inflammation, as well as liver enlargement, sometimes pneumonia.

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