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Human roundworm - symptoms and treatment. How to avoid human worm infection?

Ascaris human, imposing worm, it is one of the parasites of the gastrointestinal tract. People are infected, who do not practice hygiene, and especially those, who don't wash their hands, and this is not only after leaving the toilet. How does human infection occur?? What are the symptoms of infection? How is this parasitic disease treated?? How to avoid human worm infection?

Ascaris human – паразит живущий в тонком кишечнике человека, which is the cause of the parasitic disease.

What is human roundworm?

Ascaris lumbricoides belongs to the group of parasitic . Adult worms can even be 15-52 inches. Ascaris human feeds on intestinal walls and substances, contained in the body of the intestinal microflora. Females can lay up to 200 000 eggs per day. In the small intestine of a person, roundworm can live about 1 of the year.

Аскарида человеческая – как происходит заражение?

Заражение происходит через пищеварительный тракт – чаще всего в результате несоблюдения правил личной гигиены, usually, lack of hand washing skills (in particular when leaving the toilet). Unwashed fruits or vegetables can also be a source of infection., which have eggs, you can not drink water while swimming in a pond or lake. At the risk of eating eggs, containing human roundworm larvae are especially exposed to children, who do not yet know hygiene skills and put dirty objects from the ground in their mouths. Eggs can be brought into the house on shoes, toys, wheelchair wheelchair. In this case, they can remain on the floor and carpets..

see also: Human roundworm - developmental phases of roundworms

Аскарида человеческая – как распознать?

Stool is being tested, as well as blood for the presence of the parasite. Should, but, Mark, that a blood test result may be false negative. It means, that there are parasites in the human body, but were not found. This can happen if, when the research is done too early.

Аскарида человеческая – лечение

In case of infection, antiparasitic drugs are used. How long does the treatment last? ? the end treatment takes place then, when the symptoms of infection have disappeared and the parasite has left the body (confirmation of the parasite in the stool or lack of eggs in the stool). In this regard, the treatment time may be different for everyone..

Alternative medicine advocates convince, to try some homemade ways , eg, food fresh leek, garlic or pumpkin seed.

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